Dear Miles,

Dear Miles,

I understand that this month has been tough for you. I know you’re not thrilled that the computer has been occupying more of my lap than you have. Please know it’s not because I don’t want you in your usual spot, snuggled up on my lap under the blanket. It’s this writing challenge I’ve committed to. I need to write a slice every day, so unfortunately, you’ve been pushed a bit further down on my legs. It breaks my heart when you give me that look, begging me to put the computer away and let you come closer, or when you accept your temporary position, and I can hear you sigh down there.

But don’t worry, I’ve mentioned you in quite a few slices, and I even wrote one dedicated to you and your Daily Doge pictures. I still care about you. Mr. Miles, we’re down to just a week left now! It’s the home stretch. You’ve been so patient, and I appreciate that more than you know. I promise things will be back to normal soon.


Your Human Mom

12 thoughts on “Dear Miles,

  1. I love the letter to your pup idea! I think Miles is being very patient, and now that he knows you are writing about him, maybe he’ll give you a break for the next few days as you finish up the challenge. On April 1, Miles deserves an extra walk and some special treats (and of course, a seat on your lap in your special chair)!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Miles – – I love his name…..and miles to go before I sleep…..a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… many Miles to love, but the miles of March are waning, and Miles will be so glad to know he’s back in the lap in April full time! 

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  3. Hi Tracey, Tried to comment the regular way but said the page couldn’t be found. Anyway, I loved both of your Miles slices. Still, I am a little bit jealous of Miles’ way of showing attention as Kili does not cuddle in your lap. He will do anything to get you to engage in play. His favorite manner of doing this is to find a decorative pillow and start shredding it with the death shake. If you are really not paying attention, he may move on to books, sunglasses, and TV remotes. We are now much more “picked up” and organized which is the silver lining. Nevertheless, Kili gives you wiggles, kisses, and big huge grins. He brings you his favorite blankets in the morning. He settles down next to you and won’t leave a place without you. No matter how they do it, dogs find a way to become the center of your life and love. Your piece is a wonderful example of the longing and love you both have for each other! Spoiled dogs!!!!! 🙂

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  4. This Slice got me as I’ve been feeling sheepish about writing with two kids in my house. Fortunately they aren’t looking over the ledge of my laptop like Miles. What a great photograph, and I love that the screen is blank without a title. Hang in there Miles; we must write.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a fun and clever idea for a slice! My pets are definitely supplanted by my morning writing routine and especially this month. I love that you wrote Miles a letter to explain.


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